Finding Words Again

I went silent a few months ago. When I named this blog, I was intent on observing lent. I was also keenly aware of Ash Wednesday and the solemnity of reminding ourselves that we are dust and to dust we shall return. I suspect that at a very deep level, I was also beginning to make my peace with the reality that my mother’s life was almost over. I thought writing would be a part of making that mysterious journey with her. I was wrong. Words simply failed me and I got focused on doing the things I needed to do with my job, with my family, with my own life.

These days, I wake up with words just swirling in my head. As I fall asleep there are even more. So. It seems it’s time to start writing again. Am headed to what is becoming my annual 8-day silent retreat in a couple of weeks. Maybe that’s where I start back up…